
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Visita Iglesia Online

Visita Iglesia Online - a Lenten website re-launched on April 1, 2011 by the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) which caters to overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) and physically impaired individuals to enable them to join the celebration of Holy Week and Easter, already reaches at least 40,959 visits as of 8:20 a.m. today according to the CBCP.

It was a 20,000-visitor increase in two days, as the site had attracted some 21,219 visitors as of 9:37 a.m. Monday. But the online hits are expected to peak even more on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Black Saturday.

Last year's Visita Iglesia site had attracted 47,473 visitors.

While the old CBCP address www.cbcponline.net/visitaiglesia is still active, it will redirect visitors to the updated Visita Iglesia site.

In a news article, the CBCP said Visita Iglesia Online offers a virtual experience of celebrating Lent, the Holy Week and Easter at the comfort of one’s room - in front of a multimedia laptop or desktop which somehow becomes a virtual chapel.

CBCP media director Msgr. Pedro Quitorio, however, said the site should not be used as a substitute to the liturgical celebrations done in parishes. Those who have the capability to celebrate liturgical services in their parish churches should do so, the prelate reportedly said.

Visita Iglesia Online features various resources (videos, photos, articles) for spiritual growth and deepening one’s faith. It also has catechesis and reflections for Lent, Holy Week and Easter preached by bishops and priests.

The traditional Visita Iglesia in a multimedia platform presents 14 shrines and pilgrimage churches to correspond with the 14 Stations of the Cross with reflections given by priests. The traditional Seven Last Words and the Pasyon, likewise, are being featured their.

Click HERE to access Visita Iglesia online on your computer and/or smartphone.

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